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Breastfeeding Guide

Breastfeeding Guide


This is a step-by-step guide to teach you all you need to know to start or improve your breastfeeding journey.

The guide is compiled by Elsabé (Registered Nurse) and Lizaan (Pharmacist), who share what they should want to know if they would start their breastfeeding journey today.

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Topics included & being discussed in this guide is:

  • Advantages for your baby
  • Advantages for mom
  • Breastmilk “stages”
  • Breastmilk composition
  • Weight and feed – Is my baby getting enough milk?
  • Hungry signs
  • How often do I feed?
  • How much milk should I feed my baby?
  • Breastfeeding positions
  • How to find the perfect latch
  • How to produce more breastmilk
  • Breastfeeding complications
  • Abnormalities in breast/nipples
  • Let’s talk about milk
  • Going back to work – what now?
  • How to get baby to take a Bottle while still preferring breast
  • Sterilizing bottles for your breastmilk or formula
  • Sterilising methods
  • Breast refusal
  • Challenges baby may face when breastfeeding
  • Medication & breastfeeding
  • Alcohol & Caffeine
  • Post Partum Depression vs Baby Blues
  • Other uses for breastmilk
  • Social Media


More than 20 topics & more than 30 pages!

This guide is only available as a pdf for download and therefore no physical product will be shipped.

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