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Diaper Bag Essencials

Diaper Bag Essencials


The Diaper Bag Essentials medicine box is ideal for throwing in your diaper bag and basically forgetting about it until you need it, somewhere away from home, away from your baby’s medicine kit.

This medicine box will ideally go with you everywhere you and little bub go. For those times of real need!

It is compact, but designed and put together so that even an adult can use it in times of emergency.

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Included in this box is:

– Pain and fever syrup sachets

– Diarrhoea medicine sachets

– Hydrogel sachets for burnt bum

– Antipeol cream for bum, insect bites or scratches

– Telament drops for stomach cramps or winds

– Plasters

– Thermometer

– Syringe

– Medicine Guide

– Little plastic container

Weight 1 kg